Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Any Precipitation and Boston Drivers...

Anyone who lives in or around Boston will probably agree with me completely on this...even if they are they are part of the problem. Today is our first weekday snow/rain storm and it made this morning's commute almost unbearable. I got stuck behind at least 10 people who were driving 30 mph on the highway (which was the clearest road in my commute) for no reason I can think of other than the little white stuff coming at them too fast.

Really though, what is the difference between driving in snow when the roads are mostly clear and driving in rain? Even rain they have a hard time with too!! Its water!!! Unless you are the Wicked Witch of the West and driving a convertible, you really shouldn't have a problem with it. I understand driving carefully, but these people just drive like they turned 100 years old as soon as the sun went away. They drive 30 miles below the speed limit, forget to use their signals, and brake for NO reason. This, my friend, is how accidents are caused. Put the phones down, keep the radio on one station, and pay attention to driving. It's really not that hard.

My side mirror got flipped in because of the amount of slush hitting me from the car next to me....did I slam on my brakes or panic?? NO! You know why? Two reasons for this: 1. I would have caused an accident if I did.; 2. No need to freak out, just flip the wipers on high and slowly take your foot off the gas to let the inconsiderate dumb ass next to me continue on his merry way.

Now, I know growing up in upstate New York is giving me the upper hand when it comes to knowledge and skill of driving in snow. However, thinking about it the other day, I remembered....Boston is in New England, New England gets snow and always has. So why is it that people who live here have such a hard time driving in it?? There is no excuse other than fear and stupidity. If you are afraid, don't drive...carpool or take public transportation. Stupidity....well we won't go there.

Moral of the story folks....if you are driving through Boston during a rain or snow storm, give yourself an extra 45 minutes to get to your destination. Or just fly, walk, ride a bike, anything but's probably safer that way and you will get there faster.


  1. I totally hear you! South Street was a mess today- a bus backslid into 2 parked cars...
    I have no idea why people freak out so much in the rain/snow... and I grew up in NJ!!

  2. You crack me up.... Love your Mom!!!
